

发布时间: 2024-05-17 01:46:49北京青年报社官方账号





"Facts speak louder than words. According to various information revealed in recent years, everyone is very clear about exactly who is carrying out large-scale tapping, monitoring, stealing of secrets and infiltration in other countries, and going to any length to maintain and exert their influence," Hua said.


"Even if that were true, it is worth noting that most chemical waste from producing lab-grown diamonds can be further managed within the lab. But for mined diamonds, it is another story," Tang said.


"Either people are careless about it and hurt people's feelings, or they are overly cautious and patronizing," he added. "So I think the only way to get into that sensible middle ground between the two is to talk about it openly, about my experiences, about my thoughts and also to give people a break – people who always think they are on the edge of being culturally or racially insensitive – to kind of get on their side a little and show them they don't have to worry so much. So that's the line I am trying to tread."


"Every time Li endorsed certain lipsticks that were new to the market, I wanted to buy them," said Huang Xinyi, 29, a film production assistant, in Beijing. "He appears more trustworthy to me, like a friend or classmate. He makes his videos really different from endorsements featuring other celebrities," she said.


"Economic recovery is expected to continue and to show up in the GDP data from the second quarter onward as more progress is made with the return to economic normalcy," said Louis Kuijs, head of Asia Economics at Oxford Economics, a British think tank. "But the upturn will be slowed down by lingering consumption weakness and sliding foreign demand."


